Why Jeff Bezos Never Got a Hair Transplant | Dr. John Watts Explains

The Amazon.com founder and the world’s richest man Jeff Bezos remains a case study for many curious hair transplant patients as to why he never thought of getting a hair transplant.

Surely, he could have afforded it but why is the question that keeps bogging many hair transplant patients. What further drives this curiosity is that the old photographs and interviews of Jeff Bezos during the early days of Amazon show him with healthy growing hair.

But, the present photos of Jeff Bezos are a sight of contrast as he sports a shaved head and still manages to look handsome! In this informative video, Dr John Watts – a noted dermatologist, trichologist and hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad – examines if Jeff Bezos could undergo a hair transplant or had other options to explore at one point in time.

“If you closely look at Jeff Bezos's earlier photos, you can notice a gradual baldness setting in with the frontline hair receding and sides still having good hair,” informed Dr John Watts.

Unexplored Options:

Most possibly, Jeff Bezos could have the opportunity to use two options but he might rather choose not to, implies Dr John Watts.

“The first option was to get a hair patch or a hair extension, while the second option involved using a combination of a hair patch with a hair transplant,” informed Dr John Watts.

However, what we know is that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos decided otherwise and never choose an option even as this baldness became more advanced.

“There could be two possible reasons why he may not have opted for any of the two options. Probably, he ran out of non-DHT influenced healthy donor hair to undergo a hair transplant,” informed Dr John.

The other reason, opined Dr John, could be that he opted out of having a hair patch as they require maintenance monthly or once in two months and a busy man like him may not have that sort of time.

“Probably, his consultant told him about this regular maintenance issue required for hair patch,” he added.

Without healthy non-DHT influenced donor hair on the scalp, body or beard, no hair transplant can be successful or undertaken. In such a scenario, the only option left is a hair patch or hair extension but needs regular upkeep.


Even without a hair transplant, Jeff Bezos still manages to look awesome. “This is the art we need to learn from Jeff Bezos – of carrying our looks in style whether it is a shaved head or otherwise. He should feel good,” advised Dr John Watts, while urging his fans to share the video among their friends for awareness.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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Disclaimer: While hair transplants are generally safe and effective, as with any medical procedure, there can be minimal and temporary side effects based on specific or underlying medical condition of the individual patient. Please consult in person with our qualified medical team at Trichos for a thorough assessment of your specific condition and individualized guidance on the potential risks and benefits associated with our hair restoration treatments.

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